15 seasons | hundreds of teams | thousands of players

A movement to build Atlanta's freshest women's tennis league.

We're taking our girls night out to enjoy playing tennis (and drinking wine) together on Wednesday Nights.

"White-Wine" Season is JULY/AUGUST 2025

Take your tennis night out.

You earn it.


"Women who play sports have higher levels of confidence and self-esteem, and lower levels of depression."

- Women's Sports Foundation

"Belonging to a group that meets regularly promotes a sense of support, trust, and commonality, which has been shown to contribute to a sense of well-being and improved long-term health."

- Copenhagen City Heart Study (CCHS)

"Tennis players have the biggest gains in life expectancy over sedentary individuals, adding 9.7 years to their lives."


"Tennis pumps up your brain power."

- Daniel G. Amen, MD

Wine-Down Wednesdays, Join Atlanta's freshest women's tennis league.

Your time at tennis should be the best it can be.

  • Captains

    "This is the funnest league we play in...Wednesdays feel like a girls night out with some tennis thrown in.”

    - Shay

  • Teammates

    "I love playing on Wednesday nights, so much more fun than hungover on a Sunday."

    - Kristen

  • Free Agents

    "Playing this league has made me more aggressive and confident to take chances. I really enjoying being on the court."

    - Kealy

    Sign Up 
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